utorak, 16. svibnja 2017.

Izrada pustinje

Malo slobodnog vremena za vikend i pokušaj izrade nekoliko baza sa visokom, osušenom travom.
Na komad spužvaste gume (što već je) sam ispaljivao kuglice vrućeg ljepila i u njih sam stavljao po recimo dvadesetak dlačica starog kista. To sam onda mislio izrezivati i slagati male baze koje bi išle na površinu ili površine  određenih dimenzija. Prebojavanjem tih površina plavom, zelenom ili smeđom bojom dobio bih močvaru, riječnu obalu ili pustinju… Odmah na početku rada u glavi mi se rodila druga ideja.


Nakon posađene trave, izgrađenog brda (vruće ljepilo i dosta kamenčića raznih granulacija), te kamenčića oko trave, sve sam dobro zalio razrijeđenim bijelim ljepilom. Sušenje od nekoliko sati, prebojavanje podloge u crnu pa potom smeđu boju, zatim nekoliko puta wash i high light sa dosta nijansi smeđe i žute… onda djelomično bojanje trave u nijanse od žute do smeđe i to je to.


U pustinju sam postavio nekoliko modela od 28mm. Stane ih možda dvadesetak.


Na kraju pustinja ne izgleda loše, jedino što se uslijed terena malo savila pa će u nekom trenutku ipak ići na šperploču ili možda mdf podlogu.



petak, 12. svibnja 2017.

Kistom kroz povijest – Takeichi Nishi

Colonel Baron Takeichi Nishi (July 12, 1902 – c. March 22, 1945) was an Imperial Japanese Army officer, equestrian show jumper, and Olympic Gold Medalist at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics. He was a tank unit commander at the Battle of Iwo Jima and was killed in action during the defense of the island.


Nishi was born in the Azabu district of Tokyo. He was the illegitimate third son of Tokujirō Nishi, a danshaku (baron under the kazoku peerage system). His mother was not married to Tokujirō and was forced to leave the house soon after giving birth. His father had various high-level positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Imperial Privy Council, leading up to Ambassador to China's Qing Dynasty during the Boxer Rebellion.

Nishi went to Gakushuin pre-school and, while in elementary school, repeatedly got into fights with students of nearby Bancho elementary school. In 1912, at the age of 10, he succeeded to the title of Baron upon the death of his father. In 1915, he entered Tokyo First Junior High School (now Hibiya High School) in accordance with the dying wishes of his father; his classmates included Hideo Kobayashi, future pre-eminent literary critic, and Hisatsune Sakomizu, who would be Chief Cabinet Secretary in 1945.

In September 1917, Nishi entered Hiroshima Army Cadet School, a military preparatory school established on Prussian models, and in 1920 took courses at Tokyo Central Cadet Academy. One of his classmates was Masanobu Tsuji, formerly head student of the Nagoya Academy. He completed his studies at Central Cadet School in six months in April 1920, due to the reorganization of the military schools, and began courses at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy. Midway through his studies, he was attached to the First Cavalry Regiment based in Setagaya, Tokyo. In 1924, he graduated from the Academy, the 13th of the 19 students in his class, and was commissioned a second lieutenant in October. He went on to the First Cavalry after graduating from Army Cavalry School. He was promoted to lieutenant in October 1927.

In 1930, Nishi encountered what would be his favorite horse, Uranus, while in Italy. As the army wouldn't pay for the horse, Nishi bought Uranus with his personal funds. Nishi and Uranus competed in competitions around Europe, doing well. In 1932, when Nishi was a first lieutenant, they participated in the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, winning a gold medal in show jumping individual. This remains Japan's only Olympic medal to date in an equestrian event. His victory broke through the general hostility towards Japan that followed from the Mukden Incident and invasion of Manchuria. Westerners, especially Americans, referred to him as Baron Nishi. He was also popular among Japanese Americans, who were ostracized by American society in this period.

During his stay in Los Angeles, Nishi became the topic of conversation both for his love of driving convertibles around town and for becoming part of the social circle led by movie legend Charlie Chaplin, movie star couple Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks.

After the Olympics, he was reassigned to the 16th Narashino Cavalry Regiment and promoted to be a cavalry instructor at the regimental school with the rank of captain, which he was promoted to in August 1933.

Nishi and Uranus participated in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany but Nishi fell off his horse mid-course. There is speculation this was intentional and done for the benefit of host country Nazi Germany, with whom Japan would sign the 1940 Tripartite Pact, forming the Axis Powers. The 1936 Show Jumping individual event gold medal was won by Germany. Following this, Nishi was reposted to the Tokachi Subdivision of the department responsible for supply of military horses. He was promoted to major in March 1939.

In this period, Japan was cutting its cavalry forces and forming tank regiments. Nishi was reassigned the regimental commander of the 26th Tank Regiment, based in Mudanjiang, in northern Manchukuo on defensive duties. He eventually gained the rank of lieutenant colonel in August 1943.

In 1944, the 26th Tank Regiment was reassigned to the defense of Iwo Jima under the command of Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi. On July 18, 1944, while en route from Pusan to Iwo Jima, the ship Nisshu Maru transporting the regiment was struck by torpedoes fired by submarine USS Cobia (SS-245). While only two soldiers were killed, all 28 of the tanks in the regiment were lost.

Nishi briefly returned to Tokyo to obtain replacement tanks, and eventually received 22 of them. While there, he borrowed the car of Daijiro Kawasaki, future CEO of Daihyaku Insurance (eventually bought out by Manulife Financial), a close friend and a son of the Kawasaki Heavy Industries zaibatsu. When he had a chance, he visited his horse Uranus, who remained at the Bajikōen Horse Grounds, Setagaya.

On Iwo Jima in 1945, Nishi commanded the 26th Tank Regiment under the Ogasawara Corps (IJA 109th Division). He would walk about the island wearing his Hermès brand riding boots and carrying his favorite crop. The regimental headquarters, which was located near the village of Maruman, was moved to the eastern part of the island when the battle began. Due to the topography of the island, some of the medium Type 97 Chi-Ha and light Type 95 Ha-Go tanks were placed in hull defilade (buried up to their turrets) and used as fortified emplacements, in particular, against the American M4 Shermans.

After extensive air and naval gunfire bombardment, the United States Marine Corps launched an amphibious assault on Iwo Jima starting February 19. The American forces, who knew that Nishi was an enemy commander, broadcast daily appeals for him to surrender, stating that the world would regret losing "Baron Nishi"; Nishi never responded to those appeals. The American intelligence officer responsible for this attempt was Sy Bartlett of the 315th Bomber Wing out of Guam, who would later write the novel and film screenplay Twelve O'Clock High. In 1966, Bartlett visited Nishi's widow in Tokyo and paid his respects at Yasukuni Shrine.

The circumstances of Nishi's death are unknown and subject to competing theories. One theory is that he found himself in the midst of enemy forces on the morning of March 21 and was killed by machine gun fire while moving to the regimental headquarters. Another is that he and his aide killed themselves with their pistols near Ginmyōsui or Futagoiwa. Yet another is that he was burnt to death by American flamethrowers on March 22, or that he and several subordinates carried out a final assault and were killed in action.

John C. Shively, in his novel The Last Lieutenant, recounts a story told by his uncle in which his platoon fires upon a group of Japanese soldiers during the night. In the morning, a body resembling Nishi's was found wearing riding boots and jodhpurs. Shively's uncle was almost certain that this was the body of Nishi.

Nishi was 42 years old at the time of the battle.

Nishi was posthumously promoted to the rank of colonel. His son Yasunori Nishi (currently vice president of the Association of Iwo-Jima), succeeded him as the 3rd Baron Nishi. His hereditary title was abolished during the American occupation of Japan after the war.

Ōno states, "Few people comprehended him and only Uranus understood him."

Uranus died one week after Nishi. In 1990, Uranus was commemorated at the War Horse Memorial in the History and Folklore Museum in Honbetsu, Hokkaidō.

In the 2006 film Letters from Iwo Jima, Baron Nishi was played by Korean-Japanese actor Tsuyoshi Ihara. The film portrays Nishi as being close friends with General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, but in reality, there was antagonism between the two. Nishi ignored Kuribayashi's prohibition on using precious water to wash tanks, as well as the general's orders to punish soldiers who did so. Regardless, the popularity (mainly in Japan) of both men as defenders of Iwo Jima grew. An anecdote repeated by Kakehashi Kumiko in the February 2006 issue of Bungei Shunju magazine is that in the final days of the battle, as the number of commanding officers who refused to put their men in caves increased, Nishi agreed that they should go out and fight together. In the 2006 movie, Nishi uses some of the scarce medical supplies on a wounded US Marine he is questioning. Ōno Kaoru's biography of Nishi gives credence to this as an actual event. The film also portrays Nishi as having taken his own life after being wounded and blinded during the battle.


Bolt Action - Japanese support teams

 Japanese support teams

 Japanese sniper team

OPIS: Modele sam pokušao sakriti u visoku stranu. Možda bi bilo prikladnije da su snajperisti obučeni u uniformu smeđe ili bež boje, ali što se može…. Nisam planirao ovako urediti baze . Problem je što ne želim da me hobi ograničava i da moram raditi plan za bojanje ili baziranje. Uzmem model, boje i ovisno o trenutku ispadne kako ispadne.
Podloga je od Vallejo mase, prebojana u nekoliko tonova smeđe boje, smeđi wash zemljanog tona, high light prvi, drugi i treci (ako ih je bilo samo tri) isto smeđi… nema dodatnog materijala.
Ta visoka trave su dlačice starog kista kojim sam bojadisao stan lani. Visoku travu sam posadio super ljepilom; oko nje je išla skoro istobojna Nochova trava (sađena bijelim ljepilom). Oko modela sam travu malo ugazio da izgleda realnije. Nekoliko sati kasnije trava je bojana nijansama smeđe i žute boje.
Drugi dan su bili vidljivi tragovi sušenja super ljepila pa sam ih prekrio smeđom bojom. Za kraj je baza dobro ispuhana da sa maknu svi viška dijelovi trave. Ako ne neki baš tvrdoglav, a stoji bezveze tada ide grubi tretman pincetom.

Japanese tank hunters 1

OPIS: Pripremani i bojani kao i snajper tim. Sađena visoka trava, niska trava žute i nekoliko nijansa smeđe boje. Na (neku) zelenu travu sam stavljao bijelo ljepilo (razrijeđeno vodom) i posip zelene i žute boje pa to izgleda kao poljsko cvijeće. Dio baze nisam dirao tako da se vidi zemljana podloga.
Modeli leže i trava ih djelomično pokriva. Nose uniforme zelene boje. Naoružani su AT oružjem i ogromnim strpljenjem.

Japanese tank hunters 2

OPIS: Ovo su malo zajebaniji igrači. Ne leže u travi i ne čekaju da im netko priđe. Zaletavaju se na sve živo i pritom ginu. Njihovo oružje se ne puni i nema mjesta pogrešci.
Iako u velikoj brzini, vidi se da vješto izbjegavaju cvijeće. Minijaturna zastava ili traka sa ucrtanim simbolom Japana zavezana oko glave odaje njihove namjere. Za Cara…
Baze urađene brzo i jednostavno… nešto trave, malo cvijeća.

Flamethrower team

OPIS: Pale sve pred sobom obučeni također u zelenu uniformu. Neustrašivi u probijanju prvih linija… gdje obično i ostaju. Strah i trepet za protivnika pa ne čudi broj hitaca ispaljenih u njihovom smjeru. Nerijetko ginu.
Na ovim modelima se vidi da još nisu ispaljivali vatru. Baze su… još uvijek netaknute prirode, bez tragova paljevine.

Medic & Kempei-Tai

OPIS: Malo svjetlija zelena za uniforme, svakome po traka oko lijeve ruke… Jedan liječi dok drugi nadahnjuje posustale u jurišu.
Obojica neophodni u listi, reklo bi se mnogi ovise o njma.
Iako bojani sa puno truda, vjerojatno su mnogima tek prosječni jer su ljudi navikli na vrhunski obojane modele stvarno odličnih majstora bojanja.
Bazirani kao i gore spomenuti modeli. Gaze po travi, pored cvijeća na nekom pacifičkom otoku pred kraj rata.

Japanese 81mm mortar team

OPIS: Tri modela oko srednjeg mortara na većoj bazi. Zemljana podloga tretirana baš kao i sve ostale iz ove priče (support units). Modeli obojani onako, prosječno kao i ostali, a nije da se nisam jako trudio. Modeli obojani za igru, ne za izložbu što bi rekli manje vješto kistom… Meni su lijepi.
I onda dođe jedan vikend i vrijeme slikavanja napravljenoga. Sve ostale baze su dobile nešto trave, mortari ni travku. Rekoh sam sebi, idem im staviti nekoliko porušenih stabala, možda dva jer baza i nije velika…
Prvo stablo sam počeo raditi od drvenog ražnjića. Bušenje rupica za grane, rezanje žica koje će biti grane, spajanje super ljepilom, sušenje i nanošenje smeđe boje… Bušenje rupe u bazi, manja količina vrućeg ljepila za spoj… bijelo ljepilo i zeleno lišće na grane. Čudno neko stablo… malo lišća oko stabla, bojanje lišća, zeleni wash, high light svjetlo zelenom…
Drugo stablo od komada plastike. Opet isti postupak bušenja rupa i lijepljena grana, koja minuta za sušenje… Nanošenje vallejo mase za baziranje na stablo i grane. Dan iza prebojavam stablo u smeđe i sive tonove. Nema lišća, tek koja suha grančica. Uz stablo sadim dvije Green Stuff gljive, bojam ih… jedna dobiva bijele točke… malo smeđem washa.
Prije stabala sam u bazu upiknuo deblju žicu na koju je zalijepljena green stuff zastava. Žica je obojana u smeđu boju, dodan je premaz bojom hrđe mada ni sam ne znam zašto. Zastava je bojana od tamno sive prema skoro bijeloj. U sredini je simbol sunca blijedo crvene boje.
Onda još jedno stablo… komad plastike, žičane grane. Prebojavam sve u smeđu boju. Nakon sušenja nanosim bijelo ljepilo i posipavam Nochovom travom iz svih smjerova. Otpalu travu natapam bijelim ljepilom i kada se osuši bojam smeđim washom.
Čistom slučajnošću izrađujem dva tulipana pa i njih stavljam na bazu. Postupak izrade ću objasniti za koji dan u nekom drugom prilogu. Tulipane bojam, oko njih sadim travu i to je to. Baza pretrpana.
Dan iza uređujem bazu još malo. Bacam nešto lišća, prebojavam ga… i sadim dodatnih 7 tulipana. Travu malo osvježavam svjetlijoj nijansom zelene boje.
